The One Right Thing Practice

What one thing if you did it consistently will have a major impact on your business this year? The challenge is simple:  Focus on what matters most and do it with unwavering consistency. This may seem like one challenge – but there are two essential components to it. #1 – Doing What’s Right Our society […]

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12 Business Marketing Trends and Better Practices for 2013

As a small business, you will have to respond to these business marketing trends to keep your business relevant in 2013. As a business owner or manager, the suggested personal marketing practices will prove to be valuable for helping you to better implement them for maximum business marketing benefit. Business Marketing Trends and Practices #1 […]

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Customers Lead Change

What blindsides many mainstream businesses is that market changes can be slow – and therefore go by unnoticed. Change is happening every single day. The challenge is being tuned into your markets well enough to discern these changes, and then contributing to shaping favorable change. Product vs Customer Driven Markets In traditional product-driven markets the […]

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3 Essential Small Business Writing Practices

You do not have to be an accomplished writer to write things down. You only need to learn how to capture your best ideas, refine them, and then use them to attract more customers. The Internet thrives on useful information and ideas – and so does your business. Knowing this, it is interesting that many […]

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The Facebook Trust Dilemma

The recently announced Facebook Job Board has inherent risks for everyone –  users, advertisers, and Facebook itself. Facebook became what it is today by innovating – “moving fast and breaking things.”  While that may be a viable strategy for a start-up, by social networking standards they are now an established business. Do you think IBM […]

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Thank You All

It is Thanksgiving here in the United States and I’d like to thank all of you that have crossed my path, and those who will do so some time in the near future. Thank You Friends I am thankful for how social media has connected me with so many interesting people that I would not have […]

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Using LinkedIn to Attract Business

LinkedIn can help you accomplish multiple business objectives, from attracting business leads, to recruiting new talent, and discovering potential opportunities for partnering. Attraction is Alignment To get what you want in business today you need to consider the expectations of your target audience. If you are looking for talented recruits you need to know what they […]

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Content Marketing Choice-Making

The creation of abundant online content necessarily encouraged content curation, the practice of sifting through it to then share only the information that is most relevant to respective communities. Always on RSS feeds allow for easily filtering content by selecting the best sources to include in curated streams. While there is value to this type […]

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Writing to Remember

Writing, and writers block especially, are based on the idea that you are creating something. The truth is you are simply remembering, and that will happen naturally if you simply show up and start writing. Any adult has had enough life experiences to fill multiple books. They only need to sit down and start writing and […]

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3 Ways Content Marketing Makes Every Business Better

One of the reasons many businesses do not create and publish online content to serve their communities is the assumption it has already been done. This false assumption ignores the fact that most problems are chronic and original perspectives are the only way to slowly break them down to develop sustainable solutions. There are 3 […]

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