10 LinkedIn Tips for Growing Your Business

This original article by Jeff Korhan (now updated) was published earlier at Social Media Examiner. Why should you use LinkedIn for networking? With 161 million business members, and a reputation as a trusted network, LinkedIn may be the most powerful business networking service both now and moving forward. How are you using LinkedIn to grow […]

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Google+ Local Pages – A Game Changer for Every Business

The trend in search is toward social and local content for consumers who are increasingly mobile. Google just made a bold move to bring it to the forefront by automatically converting existing Google Places pages into new Google+ Local business pages. In other words, if your business had a Google Places page it has now […]

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How Humor Makes Your Business Better

No more funny business! Are you sure? In reality, adding more fun to how you approach and operate your business will significantly enhance it – for you and your customers. This isn’t about laughing all the way, more like appreciating every event, relationship, failure, and situation for what it is – a way to connect […]

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Nudge the Needle to Grow

Have you ever made a decision to not make a change because you were afraid the result would unfavorable? After all, why take a chance on making something work a little bit better when it’s just fine right now?  This often applies to our approach to technology, doesn’t it? The simple truth is the world […]

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Get More from Your Email Marketing

How do you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns? Get the attention of your audience. This means giving them something of value at every turn.  Since giving away real products for free is probably not feasible, the logical alternative is delivering quality informational content that will help them do more of what […]

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The Art and Science of Social Caring

How many times have you heard someone comment that they do not care about the idle chatter their connections publish on the social networks? This may be what they enjoyed for lunch, how blue the sky is today, and that they are loving life or otherwise … HAVING AN AWESOME DAY! The truth is you […]

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Want to Be Luckier, Smarter, and Happier? Connect the Dots

What could happen if you made a commitment to reconnecting with just a few of your former prospects or customers every day? If your experience is anything like mine, you will get luckier, smarter, and happier. I’ve recently been building a daily habit of reaching out to at least 3 prospects or customers – all […]

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Auspicious Occasions

When you celebrate any occasion you feed it, giving it your full attention – and thereby capturing its most essential value. This weekend I attended the commencement ceremony for the 2012 Class of Indiana University, of which my daughter is a proud member. The commencement speaker, IU alumnus, and honorary doctorate recipient was Booker T. Jones, […]

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The Crowded Bar Test

The crowded bar test is a simple method for determining the best words or phrasing to communicate an essential message – especially in distracting environments or circumstances where attention spans are short, which of course is most of the time in our fast-paced business environment. Memorable is More Important Than Meaning Whether you are launching […]

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Specific Solutions are Better

Has your company lost business to one whose solutions are inferior to yours? We have all experienced this frustration, and the truth is it is our own fault. The only reason anyone settles for a lesser solution is because they are not aware of what is better. When this happens, the problem is usually the […]

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