Ask Your Customers the Tough Questions

What is the most valuable, and and yet underutilized resource in your business? For most small businesses, it is your customers – and what they will tell you if you ask them properly. If you believe this to be true – as I do, then the challenge is determining the best questions to ask them […]

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It’s Only a Matter of Time

Years ago we used to joke about not knowing how to program our VHS recorders. Eventually the pain of missing our favorite television programs forced us to learn. That piece of technology was for entertainment.  Now technology has become essential to running a smart business. One of those technologies is web marketing, which includes social […]

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Social Media Tips for Local Retailers

What is the primary goal of a local retailer?  Getting people into the store. That’s what I’ve learned while doing my research for my keynote presentation next week to about 750 retailers. If you are an online business you want to drive traffic to your website because that’s your place of business.  If you are […]

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New Ways For Using QR Codes

Can you scan a QR code at 30,000 feet? Indeed you can – even without an Internet signal.  The logical question is where is the value if you cannot link to the web?  Read further and I’ll share some insights. Use QR Codes to BookMark Links When you scan a QR code with one of […]

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Email Marketing Done Right

When used well, email marketing is one of the most powerful and reliable methods for delivering valuable information to a distinct audience – one that asked for it. Email Favors the Better Marketers What I like most about email marketing is that it favors the better marketers – those that greatly respect their subscribers. Today, […]

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Are Phone Calls a New Marketing Trend?

Over the past few weeks I have been interviewing retail businesses that belong to the same association, and naturally have some things in common.  That’s what you notice on the surface. However, taking a deeper look reveals many differences among them, including their location, years in business (1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation), product mix, competition, […]

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3 Best Practices for Generating Reliable QR Codes

Today I was leafing through a magazine full of ads with QR codes. Unfortunately, most of the QR codes did not work due to some common errors that can be easily remedied. The video above shows how to avoid these these errors, with more specific tips provided below. #1 – Short URL’s Create Cleaner Codes […]

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Why Should We Hire Your Company?

Can you readily provide specific, quantifiable, and relevant evidence that justifies hiring your company? Surprisingly, most companies cannot – not really.  They offer up intangibles such as great customer service, longevity in business, and things of this nature. When you consider how much work goes into attracting new business, doesn’t it make sense to be […]

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Intentional Engagement is Your Responsibility

The social web is a big place that is only getting bigger and more complex. Now is a good time to reign it in to more effectively engage and accomplish your personal and small business objectives. Every day we all associate with a few more friends, fans, and followers.  For the most part, that’s why […]

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Google Adwords Express for Local Small Businesses

Yesterday Google launched Adwords Express for local small businesses. This video that Google created to promote Adwords is not necessarily instructional, but it is entertaining – and should serve as a wake-up call to local small businesses who are relying on traditional methods to generate leads. Your Local Small Business Indeed, there are many small […]

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