Meditation Practice: How to Be a Better You

This is Episode 46 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. In this episode we are going to talk about a subject I am very passionate about, and that is the meditation practice and how to implement a meditation routine in your daily life. You may be wondering why meditation is being discussed on a […]

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Make Marketing Your Art

I just returned from my high school reunion, where I had conversations with dozens of classmates at the peak of their careers. It was the stories of artists whose professions include writing, performing original music that were most interesting. When asked what drives them, all said it was “creating their art,” which I interpret to […]

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Personal Branding: How to Achieve Consistent Marketing Clarity

This is Episode 45 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Those that know and follow Larry’s work have come to appreciate his unique point of view and no-nonsense approach that indeed is his brand. If by chance you are not familiar with Larry Winget, get ready to be energized, because this guy is […]

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Adaptive Content: How to Map and Manage the Buyers Journey

This is Episode 44 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. If you are not familiar with the term, adaptive content is generally described as content that meets the buyer when and where they are. This is often described as having available the right content, in the right place, and at the right time. […]

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LinkedIn Publishing: Build Your Influence with Customer Facing Media

This is Episode 43 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. In this fast-paced episode you will learn that LinkedIn is making a strong push to be a source of valuable media for business professionals. So, if you want to stand out on LinkedIn, you want to learn how to use the platform to […]

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Direct Marketing: Using Education as a Competitive Advantage

This is Episode 42 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Ed LaFlamme used educational direct marketing in the days before digital to propel his former landscape business into a multi-million dollar enterprise that he later sold to a national firm. In fact, his marketing newsletters were so successful they were featured by Inc […]

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Distinction Marketing: How to Attract Customers with Clarity

This is Episode 41 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. To be the industry standard requires more than great products and services. The business has to achieve clarity in the minds of customers for what it does, how it does it, and maybe more important, what it does not do. We all know […]

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Name Game: How to Target and Achieve Ideal Results

One of the most underrated techniques for attracting virtually any business objective is the combined practice of seeing and naming the desired ideal results. This simple practice makes the goal or objective tangible, real, and therefore, attainable. First See It You may know that Michelangelo never started a sculpture without first “seeing” the finished result […]

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Podcasting Style: How One Successful Podcast Attracts Listeners

This is Episode 39 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Joel Boggess is the co-host with Dr Pei of ReLaunch, a Podcast show that has earned several awards and grown by over a factor of 10 in just it’s first year. Joel’s earlier career as a traditional broadcaster made for a natural transition […]

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Team Building: How to Train for Productivity and Profits

This is Episode 38 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Shelia Butler is the co-founder of a multi-million dollar business whose success relied heavily on organizing productive and accountable teams. In this episode we several aspects of team building, including mentoring, leadership and accountability, and knowing when to make the difficult, but necessary […]

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