Planning Paradox: How to Create Higher Value Content in Less Time

If you have struggled with planning your content marketing you are not alone. However, once you get your plan in place, you will be astounded at how you can deliver more impactful content for your community, and in less time. I’ve been there too; and that is why I’m excited to share how this is […]

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How Consistent Content Marketing Builds Your Community

Does the media always deliver? Maybe not always, but they do tend to show up as scheduled. That’s one of the keys to building your community with content marketing. A business chooses when it is available for serving customers. Since content marketing is designed to provide value for prospective buyers with the intent of encouraging profitable customer actions, […]

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3 Steps to Building Your Content Marketing Mission Statement

As content marketing begins to go mainstream, it is now essential to make it better. Your business has a mission that clearly and succinctly defines why it exists. When you also develop a written mission statement for the content that drives engagement with your community, it will be easier to create more effective content. If […]

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2014: The Year of Native Content

The evolution of content that drives social media engagement is clearly moving to a level that will test the skills and commitment of online business marketers. One reason for this is that we are no longer just working with, but also living in a world that expects content that perfectly suits their every need and […]

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How Feelings and Experiences Move Buyers to Action

Legendary sales trainer and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar often stated that selling is essentially a transference of feeling. While logic is part of our decision making equation, people are more often moved to action for emotional reasons – and that includes responding to your social media marketing. Understanding how to create contextual experiences that move people to […]

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How Live Events Enhance Social Networking and Marketing

In the days before digital, if you wanted to network you had to get out of the office. That’s where we developed relationships and consummated deals.Telephones were only used to supplement those live interactions. Live events are where you experience firsthand the energy and enthusiasm of other like-minded people who share your interests and business […]

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Social Media Success in Two Words or Less

How is your business leveraging the unique qualities of each major social media channel? One of the commonly expressed social media challenges is communicating a congruent business or brand message while managing multiple social channels. The solution is to distill the primary success factor for each social media channel into just a couple of words – […]

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Google+ Rolls Out Personal URLs for Everyone

Sometime last year Google+ began rolling out personal URLs for notable people and organizations. Just yesterday I received my invitation to do the same, and I gladly accepted. Why? The Social Web and Search are Getting Personal The implications of this are more than just shortening your Google+ URL to something that is memorable. This […]

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Consistency Builds Social Media Communities

Consistency may be the most powerful quality that small businesses can implement to build an active online community. Be honest: Could your social marketing be described as randomly jumping from one social network to another to get your message out? That approach simply doesn’t work in a digital world where precision is possible, and therefore, […]

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Organizing Your Social Media Marketing

You can take the stress out of your social media marketing process by organizing it into written plan that is consistently implemented. That organized and written plan can then be refined as you grow with it. The key to an effective social media marketing plan is following specific rules that are organized into a process. […]

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