More is Not a Content Marketing Strategy

Marketers often comment that they are overwhelmed with the demands of creating content to fuel their online marketing. Does your audience really want more content – or more relevant content? Tweet This The noise and clutter online tells us the problem is not a shortage of content, but finding the content that specifically addresses our needs. […]

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Intimacy Sells

One of the illusions of online marketing is that your thousands of fans and followers  can actually be moved to action. Consider that the more your networks grow the weaker every connection becomes. It’s almost as if your business growth cannibalizes the value of your network relationships. Of course, this has been a problem for […]

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Elevate Your Business Growth Practices to The Web

Business consultants, coaches, and authors are fond of admonishing that what got you here won’t get you there. Their reasons often stem from their desire to teach you their methods, thereby helping you to break free from your past. The flaw in this reasoning is your past is precisely what got you here. Why would you […]

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3 Ways Social Media is Revolutionizing the Sales Process

There are many people like me who are not shoppers – we’re buyers. When buyers find what they like we buy it – no selling is necessary. This often keeps us loyal to the same vendors and stores for a long time, and certainly explains the success of Amazon Prime for everyday purchases. However, when […]

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Nimble Social CRM Brings Big Data to Small Business

Lack of time is the most common reason small businesses give for not regularly using social media? While there are many tools that can make your social media engagement easier, many of them only drag you further down into the rabbit hole we all know as the social media time suck. There is nothing wrong with […]

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Every Business is Now a Media Company

There was a time when every business courted the media. They (the media) were rightfully considered business partners because they could significantly help any company interested in publicizing an event or similar happening as news. Today, every business (large or small) is now its own media company – and that is a responsibility that should not be […]

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Social Marketing is Relationship Selling

Mainstream small business will more reliably get better results from social media if they view it more as selling than marketing. Why? Because effective relationship selling is personal, and now marketing is too. As social influences continue to profoundly affect business, just about every business activity is going to require relationship building skills. Traditional marketing or advertising was […]

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If I Were Starting Social Media from Zero

A couple of months ago without notice, all of the social media sharing counters on my primary website had reverted to zero. Just like that, thousands of shares that had accumulated over a period of nearly seven years had vanished. Why is this significant? Social sharing is what is known as “social proof.”  It’s evidence […]

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Social Media is Still Uncharted Waters

When you are embarking on a journey whose destination is uncertain, you have to get comfortable with uncertainty. When it comes to social media, uncertainty has been, and for the foreseeable future, will necessarily be part of its use in your marketing equation. These are uncharted waters. Everyone is still learning. So, small businesses simply […]

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Social Media for Small Business – It’s Still Early Days

The art of marketing has always been about making meaningful connections with ideal buyers. Modern marketing is a practice that is new to most small businesses. Prior to that small businesses made meaningful connections through selling, not marketing. One of the reasons for this is that most of the media available in recent decades, including magazines, […]

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