The Icarus Deception – Work is Art

The process of doing what you were meant to do can be frightening, and that is why its accomplishment is so rewarding. For one thing, you just may fail. In fact, honing your skills into a viable practice requires that you fail, because the perspective gained from failures and challenges leads to creating your best […]

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Engage Social with Your Sales Process

While social media is becoming part of the fabric of our personal lives, it is far from mainstream when it comes to mainstream businesses. You may be surprised to learn that percentage of businesses NOT using social media is much greater than those that are. Actively using social media does not mean you have a […]

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Using LinkedIn to Attract Business

LinkedIn can help you accomplish multiple business objectives, from attracting business leads, to recruiting new talent, and discovering potential opportunities for partnering. Attraction is Alignment To get what you want in business today you need to consider the expectations of your target audience. If you are looking for talented recruits you need to know what they […]

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Built In Social Business Expectations

What would you think if you visited your favorite store and they were closed? Over time customers develop expectations, and one of them is that your business is open, ready, and willing to serve. If you operate a small business you understand this. You open and close on time, and follow a number of other […]

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Google for Authors Simplified

One of the best search features to come along in a while for authors of original content is Google Authorship – one that is not particulary well known outside of tech circles. About Google Authorship This week I received an email from Google about Google Authorship that suggests they are hoping to take it mainstream. […]

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Is Your Social Network an Online Community or Club?

Successful social networking depends upon a number of factors, with your personality, values, and beliefs being some of the more highly relevant ones. Social media is social, and that means your personal values and beliefs will eventually be expressed, whether that is intentional or not. Knowing that most people are looking for agreement in social […]

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Why Isn’t Your Business Blogging?

As a consumer yourself, wouldn’t you like to have easy access to fresh updates concerning the products and services you regularly use? Your customers are no different. Customers have been conditioned to expect answers whenever they need them. When they don’t get what they want your reputation erodes. Knowing this, why are so few small […]

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The Art of Questions for Engaging a Facebook Community

Social engagement is the result of a number of activities, including listening, offering suggestions and other assistance, and asking good questions. When these actions are executed well, the natural result is engagement in the form likes, shares, and comments that serve to build your Facebook community. Sharing interesting, useful, or entertaining content is essential for […]

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It Hasn’t Been Done

Too often we do not take action because we are convinced that our ideas are not unique or worthy of the attention of our community. This is especially true when it comes to using the social networks to publish content that serves a useful purpose. It’s nearly impossible to study the business landscape and find […]

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