Get More from Your Email Marketing

How do you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns? Get the attention of your audience. This means giving them something of value at every turn.  Since giving away real products for free is probably not feasible, the logical alternative is delivering quality informational content that will help them do more of what […]

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The Art and Science of Social Caring

How many times have you heard someone comment that they do not care about the idle chatter their connections publish on the social networks? This may be what they enjoyed for lunch, how blue the sky is today, and that they are loving life or otherwise … HAVING AN AWESOME DAY! The truth is you […]

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Want to Be Luckier, Smarter, and Happier? Connect the Dots

What could happen if you made a commitment to reconnecting with just a few of your former prospects or customers every day? If your experience is anything like mine, you will get luckier, smarter, and happier. I’ve recently been building a daily habit of reaching out to at least 3 prospects or customers – all […]

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Specific Solutions are Better

Has your company lost business to one whose solutions are inferior to yours? We have all experienced this frustration, and the truth is it is our own fault. The only reason anyone settles for a lesser solution is because they are not aware of what is better. When this happens, the problem is usually the […]

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7 Secrets to Getting More from LinkedIn

Whether you are looking for a job, more customers, or business alliances, LinkedIn can prove to be an invaluable resource – provided you take advantage of its full capabilities. While many simply use LinkedIn as their digital business card, it offers capabilities that can transform that business card into a multi-media website for accomplishing business […]

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The Difference Between Easy and Simple

Buyers are always seeking easy solutions – it’s human nature. And businesses often succeed by offering solutions that are simple. It’s not uncommon to consider easy and simple to be one in the same. However, when it comes to producing results for your customers, there can be a world of difference between the two. Easy […]

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Why Facebook Really Bought Instagram

The purchase of Instagram by Facebook is classic forward thinking – strategically preparing for where business is going. Instagram is a photo sharing application that also allows for creative enhancement of photos via a few clicks on your mobile device. Facebook isn’t buying technology – they are extending their reach into new communities on a […]

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How to Capitalize on Digital

When ebooks began to emerge some years ago the common perception was they were not really books, just PDF’s masquerading as books. New research proves ebooks are not only for real, they are actually favored by the most voracious readers and those who are on-the-go and prefer to consume information from their mobile device. Quality […]

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3 Essential Social Media Community Leadership Practices

In an effort to to catch-up on their social media community building, businesses are overlooking the three common leadership practices that practically guarantee their success. Fortunately, the remedies are simple and straightforward. Following are three community building practices that apply to all of the social media networks – including your Facebook business page, company blog, […]

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The Illusion of Asset Ownership

Every business has bankable assets on its balance sheet – both soft and and hard assets. Hard defines capital equipment and real estate – assets that have traditionally held their value. Soft assets are intangibles such as brands and the goodwill that is associated with them. HBUSA company is a lot different than the others. They […]

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