Social Marketing is a Process

Social media marketing, now simply known as social marketing by many, is a strategic process that is designed to create a buzz that ultimately leads to profitable sales. The earliest modern marketers understood this – “Sell the sizzle, not the steak” was one popular catchphrase. Charles Revson was one of the masters of modern marketing. […]

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The Best Social Media Strategy

Finding your way with social media is not a linear process. This is a key reason why many small businesses are overwhelmed with it. To make matters even more confusing, many social media consultants, who often refer to themselves as strategists, prescribe complicated methods that keep their clients tethered to them for extended periods. There […]

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What Do You Want From Social Media?

  It’s human nature to make inquiries when discovering a new technology. What is it? And more importantly, what does it do? The right question is – what do you want it to do? Technology Now Demands More One of the reasons people are frustrated with technology is they have been conditioned to expect it to be […]

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Digital Marketing for Small Business

Digital marketing is nearing a point of critical mass, one that will take most small businesses by surprise. Information wants to be shared, and that is readily accomplished when it is captured digitally. Digital is universal, going all the way back to Einstein: E = MC2.  Digital marketing involves the free exchange of valuable information […]

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Social Media Channel Management

Media channels are designed to broadcast programming – but not just for anyone that happens to tune in. Channels are typically designed for a target audience that is most receptive to the content being delivered, and the medium delivering it. Thus, managing your social media channels requires a balance – one that carefully considers the […]

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Personalization and Your Ideal Customer

People in general are attracted to those they resonate with. There is a perceived bond – a shared energy that may be subtle, yet nevertheless is often quite powerful for establishing a relationship of mutual trust. This is why personalization is now an essential consideration for every marketer that expects to build a sustainable business. […]

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Social Business by Design

As Facebook approaches its public offering, CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg is making one thing very clear. “The world’s information infrastructure should resemble the social graph.” In other words, your business needs to be social by design. Virtually every business in every industry needs to redefine itself around social to be relevant with the changing […]

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Google+ for Small Business: An Interview with Chris Brogan

In this interview, New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan offers insights into the power of Google+ for small businesses. Google+ is an emerging social network that promises to challenge Facebook – especially in regards to its benefits for businesses. While Google+ is only a fraction of the size of Facebook, it is indeed backed […]

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Innovate or Die – The Race to The Top

Imagine a web with perfect search capabilities – one in which consumers have access to everything they want to know about your business and others just like it. Knowing that, would you operate differently than you are today? You can hope your prospects will not discover other sources that are cheaper or better than yours, […]

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