How Google is Like A Third Grader

You can dedicate yourself to learning the complexities of search optimization – though, you may discover that it can easily become a full-time job. For those of you that already have a full-time job, or a business to run, a better option is to learn the basics and apply some logic to achieving practical results. […]

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SEO for The Common Man

There are many that will have you believe that search engine optimization is a complicated science, which it certainly can be at it may be at its highest level. However, that is true with just about any endeavor. Just because you are not a culinary genius doesn’t mean you cannot cook a satisfying meal – […]

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2012 Social Media Predictions for Mainstream Small Business

The maturation of the social networking channels may well prove to be the tipping point for attracting a majority of mainstream small businesses who have yet to jump into this pond. One can understand the reluctance, especially as the noise level on the social networks continues to approach the breaking point. #1 – The Quality […]

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The Best of Jeff Korhan 2011

2011 proved to be a positive year for small business marketers – one in which social media and other forms of online marketing moved further into the mainstream. Smart business marketers have begun to realize that social is not just a layer to add to their marketing, but an essential component that has to be […]

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Can You Really Help Your Customer?

Whenever someone asks if you can help them, there is only one thing they are considering. Do you really have the necessary direct experience to first understand their situation – and then the acquired knowledge for applying a viable solution. People and Google LIKE Direct Experience People like direct experience. This is why they are […]

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Are You a Brand or a Business?

Social media enables brands and businesses to extend their marketing reach, thereby achieving new opportunities for interaction with followers, fans, prospects, and customers. The challenge is converting that activity into new business. This is accomplished by distinguishing the brand from the business – understanding how the dynamic of reach and interaction, and how they work […]

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Google Currents and the Mobile Trend

This week Google launched Google Currents – a well-designed application that takes mobile to another level by bringing all of your digital magazines together into a friendly interface. As a business, your digital magazine is your blog – and Google Currents is designed to help you distribute that expertise to your target audience via their mobile device. […]

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Humanize Email Marketing for Results

If you expect to get your marketing emails opened and read, you need to consistently deliver useful information, while also respecting the cardinal rule of content marketing – quickly and clearly make your point. That’s just the beginning. Having accomplished that, you then have to get your prospects and customers to take action – such […]

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Why Marketers are Now In the Answers Business

Google’s vision for search business is simple:  One has a thought and instantly gets an answer that is 100% relevant. This means you as a marketer are in the answers business. If you want to grow your business by extending its reach online, you have to get serious about providing answers that are most requested […]

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Say Goodbye to Little White Marketing Lies

At an early age, many of us were taught the distinction between a lie and a white lie, with the latter being a socially acceptable lie – one that serves a benevolent purpose. In fact, for years bending the truth a bit has been an acceptable marketing practice . Remember the film Forrest Gump? Even […]

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