Are You a Social Marketing Leader?

Small businesses typically play it safe when it comes to marketing – fishing in the same ponds as their competitors, and typically using the same bait. This includes publication advertising, trade shows, and direct mail. Could this explain why so many small businesses are slow to adopt social media practices? What’s missing? Leadership, innovation, and […]

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How to Succeed When Times are Up, Down, or Sideways

How is your business right now?  How are you right now? Most of us can say that we are doing well in some areas of our lives – with a desire to improve in others. One thing about challenging times is they not only make you more aware of what needs improvement, but also more […]

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Why Baby Boomers Understand Social Media

If you are a baby-boomer or beyond you grew up with traditional media. You understand how traditional media works. They provide entertainment or educational content (including the news) – and in exchange for their hard work you accept commercials and other forms of advertising. That’s the deal. Traditional Media You and I were trained to […]

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Free Digital Photos

Photos and videos make your online content come alive – and your social networking more engaging. An image often IS the story with social networking.  However, with content marketing you usually need a photo to give your story that extra something that will get it consumed and shared. If you do not have photos of […]

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Facebook Page Comments Go Public

Today Facebook announced new changes at their f8 conference. There is always a lot of hoopla and excitement associated with this annual event, though I’ll reserve my comments for later. My ongoing promise to you is to not just report the news – but to give you a thoughtful perspective on what it means for […]

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What is Your Marketing Key Note?

The night before my keynote presentation to independent retailers this past weekend, I was testing and preparing the final details for the next morning. Just before knocking off for the evening I decided to clean up my blog reader.  That’s when I discovered some new research that reinforced the key note or point of my […]

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Is Your Online Marketing Intuitive?

Anything worth doing is worth doing right. That’s an expression that I have always lived by.  It’s also one that can create a great deal of pain for perfectionists like me – and turbulence for those around us. Perfectionism is a personal quality that I normally keep to myself. Nobody wants to be around a […]

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It’s Only a Matter of Time

Years ago we used to joke about not knowing how to program our VHS recorders. Eventually the pain of missing our favorite television programs forced us to learn. That piece of technology was for entertainment.  Now technology has become essential to running a smart business. One of those technologies is web marketing, which includes social […]

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Are Phone Calls a New Marketing Trend?

Over the past few weeks I have been interviewing retail businesses that belong to the same association, and naturally have some things in common.  That’s what you notice on the surface. However, taking a deeper look reveals many differences among them, including their location, years in business (1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation), product mix, competition, […]

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3 Tips for Communicating Your Message with Authority

Have you ever noticed that even some of the best actors have a difficult time as talk show guests? They may be very good at delivering a role that follows a script – but without one there are gaps that leave a space for all kinds of things to happen – some of which undermine […]

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