LinkedIn Influence: How to Build a Profitable Digital Presence

This is Episode 14 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Are you overwhelmed with digital and social media? Then maybe you need a fresh approach. In this episode Stephanie Sammons shares her secrets for establishing your LinkedIn influence, while also building a profitable digital presence across every other social media channel that makes sense […]

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How Storytelling Grows Your Social Media Audience

Are your social media profiles glorified resumes, or do they tell people what they really want to know – who you are and why they should care about you and your business? In addition to technology changing, everything about people and business is changing too. This means your social media has to meet new expectations. […]

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4 Pillars of Online Marketing Success

Too many businesses are overwhelmed with social media, and for good reason. Even those with abundant resources cannot manage all of the major social media channels well. Facebook advertising alone is a major undertaking. If you narrow your focus to one or two channels, then it’s only a matter of building the discipline of doing […]

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Customer Experience: How to Use Social Media to be Amazingly Helpful

This is Episode 11 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. In addition to being a Hall of Fame Speaker, Shep Hyken is renowned as one of the leading customer service experts in the world — and with next week being National Customer Service week, it’s timely that we are now having him on […]

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Your Business Story is Marketing

Your story is who you are, and the same holds true for your business. The question is how much attention does your business dedicate to what is arguably its most powerful marketing? Tell a True Story Ann Handley, author of Everybody Writes says, “What matters now is telling a true story well.” The truth has […]

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Micro-Business Economy: The Future of Social Media for Employers

This is Episode 10 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. This episode is a powerful glimpse into the future of business and the role social media is going to play in it. When I first learned about Laura’s story I reached out to her because there are not nearly enough case studies that […]

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Everybody Writes: How to Tell Your Business Story

This is Episode 09 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Ann Handley is a household name in the world of business marketing, especially with respect to creating valuable content that engages customers with a business or brand. Using her new book as the foundation of our conversation, we bring writing down to a […]

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Facebook Marketing: Attracting Your Ideal Audience

This is Episode 7 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. I have to be honest. I have not been a big fan of Facebook for marketing my business. However, this conversation with Mike Gingerich changed my thinking, and it just may do the same for you. Mike genuinely likes to help people, so listen […]

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Social Business: Managing Relationships to Build Personal and Business Brands

This is Episode 6 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Would you like to learn how to better network to achieve your personal and professional objectives? Then listen in on my conversation with Jon Ferrara. Jon openly admits he loves to “get on his soapbox” and teach what he has learned about relationship […]

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Find Your Audience: How to Grow Sales with Digital Media

This is Episode 05 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Do you often wish that media experts would just share a few of their better practices so you could adapt them to your business? Then join me and Ryan Hanley as we discuss some of the techniques he successfully used as Director of […]

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