Single Serve Content for Mobile Consumers

We have previously discussed the importance of planning both the construction and deconstruction of your content. The idea is that creating great content takes time, so while you are doing that put in a little extra effort to also plan which pieces of it will be shared on, let’s say, Instagram. Content often brings to […]

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Modern Chamber Marketing: How to Successfully Build a Digital Community

This is Episode 4 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan. Join me and Frank Kenny as we discuss how to succeed these days with digital marketing. Frank will share how he facilitates a vibrant Facebook group to build community that keeps its global membership actively engaged. You will find this interview especially interesting […]

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Superstar Selling: How to Think Like a Marketer and Sell Smarter

This is the debut episode of This Old New Business weekly podcast with Jeff Korhan. Each 30 minute episode features sales and marketing experts sharing how businesses today are successfully taking their traditional or “old” practices for building profits, and making them new again. It should not come as a surprise that they are doing this by […]

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Podcast Launch: This Old New Business with Jeff Korhan

This is the official launch of our new weekly podcast show: This Old New Business. I know, it’s a curious title. Until you get to know the show better, just think of it as the serious podcast with the funny name! The title of the show may at first appear to be a contradiction, when […]

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Here’s How to Communicate with My Business

Does your business have a system for receiving, organizing, and processing inquiries? This is vital for converting your content marketing, SEO, and social media into profitable outcomes. How a business communicates with its communities is marketing. Tweet this The smart ones use it to distinguish their company as professional, caring, and easy to work with. […]

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3 Tests for Digital Business Media Success

Looking up the definition of media reveals it’s Latin derivation to be: middle layer. That middle layer used to be the television, radio, and newspaper media that was necessary to reach a targeted audience. Now we are the media. Tweet this The middle layer still exists, but its utility for most businesses is limited at […]

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New Media Training for Every Small Business

Does your business have a process for training its team members to be media savvy? Media training was once reserved for corporate executives that had to skillfully handle mass media interviews, especially television. These days just about anyone can find themselves in front of a video camera, and what is said or not could prove […]

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Stories Are Valuable Marketing Assets

In a world in which content is clearly king, one of your most valuable business assets are stories that validate its capabilities. Stories can not only express how your business can help potential customers, but also the vital human qualities that differentiate it from look alike competitors. Consider that your business made a considerable investment […]

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State of The Social Marketing Industry

We’re almost at the midpoint for this year, making this an ideal time to assess your social marketing efforts and reallocate resources as necessary. To give you some benchmarks, I’ll be sharing research results from the 6th Annual Social Media Marketing Industry Report from Michael Stelzner and our friends at Social Media Examiner. This is […]

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How Storytelling Makes More than Marketing Come Alive

If you have not already, you can expect to be hearing more about storytelling as a means for communicating your business message. Storytelling is one of the cornerstones of sales and marketing, because great stories are memorable, and therefore, readily shared. Every business interaction with a prospective buyer or customer is a potential story. That’s […]

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