Winning the Social Media Overwhelm Race

Whenever you get behind in any race (assuming you are competitive) – there is a tendency to expend considerable effort to catch up – and that only depletes your resources, thereby pushing you even further behind. Of course, everyone falls behind at some point. This is when you need a new strategy to regain and […]

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Benchmarks for Doing Social Media Well

There are as many ways to benchmark social media as there are companies using it, because social is a human quality that will be unique to each and every business. Today I overheard the comment; “They are doing social media well.” How do you know you are doing social media well? All media is designed […]

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The Facebook Trust Dilemma

The recently announced Facebook Job Board has inherent risks for everyone –  users, advertisers, and Facebook itself. Facebook became what it is today by innovating – “moving fast and breaking things.”  While that may be a viable strategy for a start-up, by social networking standards they are now an established business. Do you think IBM […]

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Social Marketing is a Process

Social media marketing, now simply known as social marketing by many, is a strategic process that is designed to create a buzz that ultimately leads to profitable sales. The earliest modern marketers understood this – “Sell the sizzle, not the steak” was one popular catchphrase. Charles Revson was one of the masters of modern marketing. […]

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Social and Mobile are Universally Global

While vacationing in Mexico this week, I could not help but notice that even in this developing country, mobile is not the future – it’s here now, and bigger than one might have expected. While the quality of running water in this little resort town may not be up to the standards most of us […]

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Why You Should Design Your Business Around Social

“The social version of anything is more engaging and will outperform non-social.” That’s a direct quote from an interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the 2010 Web 2.0 Summit. He noted that we are all hard-wired to connect and engage with other people. This followed his comment that “Over the next 5 years most […]

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Facebook Gets Friendlier with Smart Lists

If you are actively using any of the social networks, your community of friends, fans, or followers has grown beyond what you can capably manage. Google+ came up with an imaginative method for tackling this challenge with circles – which were intended to emulate our real-life social circles.  These social circles can be distinct or overlap […]

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