Google+ Hangouts Come Alive

There is a big difference between television and live television. Live television comes alive because there is anticipation and excitement about what is going to happen next. Photographer John Butterill applied this principle to Google+ Hangouts by taking it mobile, and indeed there is an equally significant, if not remarkable difference. The short video below […]

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Being the Future Now

Businesses traditionally set annual goals, work toward their accomplishment, and then start the process all over again at the end of the year. The problem with this process is the tendency to stay on the same path until forced to respond to a major obstacle. A better approach, one that even larger organizations are now […]

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Friends Help Friends Stop Twitter DM Spam

You know your friends well enough to know the language they will use and content they are most likely to share. You can also probably discern the same for the majority of your Twitter followers. When you get a spammy DM (direct message) similar to the one above, stop it right away.  Take these two […]

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Nudge the Needle to Grow

Have you ever made a decision to not make a change because you were afraid the result would unfavorable? After all, why take a chance on making something work a little bit better when it’s just fine right now?  This often applies to our approach to technology, doesn’t it? The simple truth is the world […]

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Is Your Business Ready to Pivot?

Pivoting is a term that is well known within the circles of technology start-ups. It is one with which every small business should become more familiar. Pivoting is shifting your business strategy on short notice as a result of any number of expected or unforeseen circumstances. Today Google announced Google Drive – a free cloud computing […]

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7 Secrets to Getting More from LinkedIn

Whether you are looking for a job, more customers, or business alliances, LinkedIn can prove to be an invaluable resource – provided you take advantage of its full capabilities. While many simply use LinkedIn as their digital business card, it offers capabilities that can transform that business card into a multi-media website for accomplishing business […]

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Mobile Marketing with 2d Codes

This article by Jeff Korhan, now updated, first appeared on Social Media Examiner. Consumer behaviors are changing, and mobile technologies are among the predominant influences affecting the shift. More than 50% of all local web searches take place with mobile devices. This spells opportunity for businesses that have a mobile marketing strategy. Does your business have […]

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What Do You Want From Social Media?

  It’s human nature to make inquiries when discovering a new technology. What is it? And more importantly, what does it do? The right question is – what do you want it to do? Technology Now Demands More One of the reasons people are frustrated with technology is they have been conditioned to expect it to be […]

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Digital Marketing for Small Business

Digital marketing is nearing a point of critical mass, one that will take most small businesses by surprise. Information wants to be shared, and that is readily accomplished when it is captured digitally. Digital is universal, going all the way back to Einstein: E = MC2.  Digital marketing involves the free exchange of valuable information […]

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Social and Mobile are Universally Global

While vacationing in Mexico this week, I could not help but notice that even in this developing country, mobile is not the future – it’s here now, and bigger than one might have expected. While the quality of running water in this little resort town may not be up to the standards most of us […]

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