3 Lessons from The Social Media Olympics

Twitter and other social media channels that were relatively new during the previous Olympics have gone mainstream over the past four years, thereby making the big stage of the 2012 Olympics invaluable for learning how to use social media well. Four years ago many of us were just experimenting with this thing called Twitter. We […]

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Friends Help Friends Stop Twitter DM Spam

You know your friends well enough to know the language they will use and content they are most likely to share. You can also probably discern the same for the majority of your Twitter followers. When you get a spammy DM (direct message) similar to the one above, stop it right away.  Take these two […]

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Specific Solutions are Better

Has your company lost business to one whose solutions are inferior to yours? We have all experienced this frustration, and the truth is it is our own fault. The only reason anyone settles for a lesser solution is because they are not aware of what is better. When this happens, the problem is usually the […]

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The Best Social Media Strategy

Finding your way with social media is not a linear process. This is a key reason why many small businesses are overwhelmed with it. To make matters even more confusing, many social media consultants, who often refer to themselves as strategists, prescribe complicated methods that keep their clients tethered to them for extended periods. There […]

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What Do You Want From Social Media?

  It’s human nature to make inquiries when discovering a new technology. What is it? And more importantly, what does it do? The right question is – what do you want it to do? Technology Now Demands More One of the reasons people are frustrated with technology is they have been conditioned to expect it to be […]

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Social Media Channel Management

Media channels are designed to broadcast programming – but not just for anyone that happens to tune in. Channels are typically designed for a target audience that is most receptive to the content being delivered, and the medium delivering it. Thus, managing your social media channels requires a balance – one that carefully considers the […]

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Google Search Plus – A New Game Changer

As Google continues to roll out their new Search, Plus Your World capabilities, there is already growing concern that they are compromising search results. Who are the most vocal objectors?  Naturally, their competitors – Facebook and Twitter. Google used to have an arrangement with Twitter to index their streaming firehose of real-time data, one which Twitter […]

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Are You a Brand or a Business?

Social media enables brands and businesses to extend their marketing reach, thereby achieving new opportunities for interaction with followers, fans, prospects, and customers. The challenge is converting that activity into new business. This is accomplished by distinguishing the brand from the business – understanding how the dynamic of reach and interaction, and how they work […]

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Are You a Social Marketing Leader?

Small businesses typically play it safe when it comes to marketing – fishing in the same ponds as their competitors, and typically using the same bait. This includes publication advertising, trade shows, and direct mail. Could this explain why so many small businesses are slow to adopt social media practices? What’s missing? Leadership, innovation, and […]

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