Google Sees a Web of People

Google’s VP of Social, Vic Gundotra, admits that a web of pages is nothing without the context of the people associated with them. If you have time to watch the 30 minute video, you will gain some valuable insights about Google’s future plans for their suite of services. As a marketer, you know that when […]

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Google+ and The Power of Interaction

Google+ is Google’s latest attempt to build a social networking site that will rival Facebook – and their initial efforts suggest they are likely to meet with some measure of success. Launched just a week ago, Google+ is still in a limited trial.  Invitations were sent to prominent tech and social media influencers who then […]

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Klout is Influence

In the early days of modern civilization (before the Internet) – there was an expression that it’s not what you know but who you know. Back then, information, power, and therefore influence, were localized. If you were in-the-know, you had influence.  And that influence could be wielded to accomplish objectives. Information is now readily available […]

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