How to Write Web Copy That Gets a Response

There is business writing and there is writing for the web. Writing for the web is an intentional process for eliciting a response, and often a series of responses. This is why it is sometimes referred to as direct response copywriting. Your web copy should be designed to attract attention, develop a relationship with an […]

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Why Writers Should Practice Meditation – And How to Get Started

Meditation is usually associated with relaxation and stress release, but those outcomes are more accurately by-products of the practice. The true purpose of meditation is to quiet the mind. When that happens, all kinds of personal benefits ensue, including improved health and resiliency, greater awareness, and the spiritual awakening that comes from tapping into one’s […]

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Memorable Marketing Content is Original, Fresh, and Personal

The practice of repurposing marketing content across multiple channels seems to be not only acceptable, but one that many online marketers encourage. Is repurposing marketing content really a good idea on a web that is rewarding original work?  Google Authorship in particular, as well as the periodic freshness updates by the search engine giant, all […]

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Why I Write

Writing for me is a process of going to a place that is uniquely personal to create something of value. Meditation accomplishes the same thing, but how it works to manifest physical reality from thoughts is not as obvious. That said, I find it interesting that many of the writers I know also meditate. Writing is […]

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3 Essential Small Business Writing Practices

You do not have to be an accomplished writer to write things down. You only need to learn how to capture your best ideas, refine them, and then use them to attract more customers. The Internet thrives on useful information and ideas – and so does your business. Knowing this, it is interesting that many […]

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Writing to Remember

Writing, and writers block especially, are based on the idea that you are creating something. The truth is you are simply remembering, and that will happen naturally if you simply show up and start writing. Any adult has had enough life experiences to fill multiple books. They only need to sit down and start writing and […]

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OmmWriter for Writing Productivity

I’m writing this using my favorite blogging tool, which is OmmWriter. OmmWriter is a web application that is incredibly powerful for creating heightened states of focus and awareness that allow you to quickly find the shape of your written piece of work. It accomplishes this by engaging your senses in an artfully designed environment, one […]

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Ambiance for Writers

Writing is a skill –  one that is highly sought after these days when there is such a thirst for quality online content. If you are a writer you know the challenges – including the distractions. Writers know that getting into and staying within “the zone” (or whatever you want to call it) is essential […]

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3 Reasons to Start Writing

Writing is an activity that helps you discover new ideas, recall those you have since dismissed, and share all of them with your audience. In many ways, writing is like a meditation – it’s a focusing technique that clears the way to bring forward the best that you have to offer. If you happen to […]

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Picture the Intangible to Build It

It is impossible to create anything that you have not clearly imagined. How does your imagination work?  Do you have a process that enhances your effectiveness for achieving pragmatic results? I was interested to learn that the creative genius of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was his gift for visualizing technology, something he learned from his father. […]

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