How Humor Makes Your Business Better

No more funny business! Are you sure? In reality, adding more fun to how you approach and operate your business will significantly enhance it – for you and your customers. This isn’t about laughing all the way, more like appreciating every event, relationship, failure, and situation for what it is – a way to connect […]

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Get More from Your Email Marketing

How do you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns? Get the attention of your audience. This means giving them something of value at every turn.  Since giving away real products for free is probably not feasible, the logical alternative is delivering quality informational content that will help them do more of what […]

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Facebook vs LinkedIn – Is a Public Company Better?

Now that Facebook has finally gone public, investors and marketers alike are making comparisons with LinkedIn, a social network that went public one day shy of a year ago. I bought ten Facebook shares just to have a reason to periodically check-in and stay involved with the future business plans of Facebook, more as it […]

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The Art and Science of Social Caring

How many times have you heard someone comment that they do not care about the idle chatter their connections publish on the social networks? This may be what they enjoyed for lunch, how blue the sky is today, and that they are loving life or otherwise … HAVING AN AWESOME DAY! The truth is you […]

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Want to Be Luckier, Smarter, and Happier? Connect the Dots

What could happen if you made a commitment to reconnecting with just a few of your former prospects or customers every day? If your experience is anything like mine, you will get luckier, smarter, and happier. I’ve recently been building a daily habit of reaching out to at least 3 prospects or customers – all […]

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Say Hi in 15 Languages

Once in a while a mobile app comes along that really delivers, and that is the reason for this recomendation about SayHi – a remarkably accurate translation app that I recently discovered. Having studied several different dialects of the Spanish language as a green industry professional, I can attest that SayHi does an excellent job […]

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Auspicious Occasions

When you celebrate any occasion you feed it, giving it your full attention – and thereby capturing its most essential value. This weekend I attended the commencement ceremony for the 2012 Class of Indiana University, of which my daughter is a proud member. The commencement speaker, IU alumnus, and honorary doctorate recipient was Booker T. Jones, […]

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Specific Solutions are Better

Has your company lost business to one whose solutions are inferior to yours? We have all experienced this frustration, and the truth is it is our own fault. The only reason anyone settles for a lesser solution is because they are not aware of what is better. When this happens, the problem is usually the […]

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Manipulate Google at Your Own Risk

In your real life you are a stand up guy or gal who would never consider misleading anyone. If that is true, then why are so many marketers still using a search engine optimization company to help with manipulation tactics of old to trick Google into ranking their site more highly? The word on the […]

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The Positive Focus Practice

One of the most powerful tools for maximizing results from your work is a weekly practice of building on your successes. The positive focus practice is a simple exercise of rehearsing the successes of the previous week, acknowledging what worked (or didn’t), and then taking specific actions to enhance the positive and eliminating the negative […]

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