Your Small Business will Like Google +1

Despite Facebook’s potential for dominating social search, Google is once again proving that they are not only committed to holding their ground, but they also have a strategy for doing so. You can sit back and wait, or you can take a few simple actions now that may prove to be invaluable for bringing in new business.

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The Lessons of Falling in Love with Social Media Technology

Goodbye Flip. You taught us that social media is about engaging with people. The technology is just along for the ride – and probably a short one at that.

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How To Get Paid for Your Expertise

To get paid for your expertise you have to firmly believe in its value, package it in a way that makes it useful, and personalize it to build a distinctive brand.

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How to More Consistently Perform at Your Highest Level

Nobody can run in high gear all of the time. However, taking notice of those situations when you do will help you to more consistently perform at higher levels – by better understanding what takes you there.

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How to Categorize Your Facebook Page to Generate More Business

Facebook is now asking selected Page admins to confirm the category for their Pages. Why? Facebook is intentionally forcing you to pick a specific category from a list so that they can more readily index your business Page and use it to send more traffic to it via ads that generate revenue for Facebook.

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Communing is a Valid Strategy for Building Community

It’s interesting to notice that the origin or root of the words communication and community – two that we frequently use with regards to social media networking and marketing – is commune. When you commune or align with your community in every way, you demonstrate that you understand them -their needs, challenges, and opportunities

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3 Ways to Respect Your Social Communities

Spam is not necessarily just about the content. You have to also consider the community – by taking into consideration both what you are communicating – it’s value, and how.

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How Perseverance Helps You to Grow with Your Community

Just when you think you’ve got nothing else to give is when you find the best content to share with your community.

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Personalization and Community Alignment

When you personalize every touchpoint customers have with your company – marketing, sales, customer service, and operations, you create a uniquely valuable experience. That’s your brand.
It’s not a logo or a slogan, or even a promise, but perceived alignment with a community – your tribe.

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Is Your Marketing Content Evergreen or Floral?

When you are creating content for your Internet marketing it is helpful to strike a balance between solid information that will be relevant well into the future, and news that is exciting and highly relevant now, but whose value may fade over time.

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