What Are Your Customers Willing to Pay For?

What really matters today is knowing your customer well enough to understand what they are really willing to pay for. This may be something that nobody in your industry is currently offering. Show your customers you care and them and they will help you develop these solutions that will keep your business on the leading edge.

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Make Resolutions Sticky with New Patterns

If you focus on results (your desired future) – which is what new year’s resolutions are, your conditioned patterns (where you have been) will work against you. Patterns are habits. You have to take notice and change a few of them – and I do mean a few. Starting with ONE may be the best way to move to the next level.

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Relevance

What is REALLY driving the decisions of your customers? If you think you know, you are probably wrong. Why? It takes years to determine what drives the buying behavior of your best customers.

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Small Business Trends for 2011

You can see that 2011 will be a year of taking what we learned in 2010 to the next level. As social media goes mainstream, more personalization will be expected. You have to really make that shift in your marketing to something you do WITH your customers. Like it or not, they are your new business partners.

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My Social Media Christmas Wish

What would you like to accomplish in this lifetime that could only be possible by integrating hundreds of friends – or millions of people? That’s my secret social media Christmas wish. What’s yours?

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Why I Like Postling

Postling is a relatively new service that makes it easy to manage all of your social media in a single interface. The primary reason I use Postling is to receive notifications when comments are made on my Facebook page – and now you can do the same with your YouTube channel.

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Use Your Blog as a Proving Ground

You can (and should) blog to test drive your expertise – what you share with your community. If you aren’t blogging – start. If you are, keep your hands on the wheel and the pedal to the floor and you will drive right past your competitors.

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Your Social Media Structure – Part 3 of 3

Social networking and other communication technologies are giving customers more influence. We are social creatures, and given a choice, we will do business with those individuals and companies that are more engaging, more personal, and therefore, likeable.

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Your Social Media Structure – Part 2 of 3

When you are building a social media structure, you should follow one of the cardinal rules of selling: meet them where they are. Your design process helps you to clearly understand your target audience. Now you just need to learn where they are most likely to hang out so that you know where to build your presence.

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Your Social Media Structure

The process of achieving practical results with social media should be familiar to most entrepreneurs and small business owners: First you design, then you build, and when all of that is in place, you get out there and engage with customers! How can you use social media to build a structure that engages your community with your expertise?

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