How Blogging Enhances Your Sales Presentations

Most people probably think of blogging as writing.  Yet, after years of consistent blogging, I have come to realize that it is much more than this.  The interaction and engagement associated with blogging also make it a digital form of speaking – one that can significantly enhance your sales presentations with any size audience. More […]

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Marketing with New Media in Mind

You have so many more options with new media for monitoring and tapping into the minds (and hearts) of your prospects and customers. The key is to have a strategy for using these tools to achieve the right frequency, sequence, and periodic calls to action that help you to grow your small business community.

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Fusing is Confusing: How To Uncomplicate Your Marketing

It is essential that your potential customers instantly get what your company is all about – what you do and why you are a best choice what they want. This is especially relevant these days when more of your marketing is happening online. The words you use have to be carefully chosen.

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A Blog for a Long Weekend

Here in the United States we are gearing up for, or have already engaged in activities for a three-day weekend.  These are those times when you can find a new gear, recharge your batteries, and otherwise refresh your ability to better do what you do best. I'm joining friends tomorrow at their cabin in the […]

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Still Don't Get Social Media? Try This

The idea with marketing is that it makes your sales process easier, because good marketing “pre-sells” your product or service. The greatest value of social media is not necessarily to “pre-sell” – but to “pre-humanize.” In other words, social media is best used to personalize the sales and marketing process.

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Want To Be A Small Business Celebrity?

A small business celebrity is not the one who craves media coverage and recognition. True business celebrities are recognized leaders. They have earned a place in their profession for being relevant sources of valuable information. This is why they are sought out for their honest opinions on best practices and business trends.

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Oops! Sorry, We Goofed

If you have been receiving emails that apologize for minor mistakes made in emails previously sent from the same source, then you are not alone.  This is a new email marketing tactic that is a direct result of our social media influenced marketing environment. Mistake Marketing When I first started noticing this email strategy, my […]

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Social Media and Small Business Marketing to Older Adults

Everything we do in life is driven by the desire for happiness. As we get older, there is a tendency to rely on what has made us happy in the past, which of course prevents us from making new discoveries that may well work better. This to me explains why older adults who were previously […]

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Can Social Media be Effectively Outsourced?

Given that the intended purpose of social networking is connecting and interacting to build relationships with real people, it not only seems ironic to outsource these activities, but counterproductive as well.  Nevertheless, lets take a closer look to fully understand the dynamics involved. (click to enlarge) Transparency Always Works When we see your smiling face […]

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How to Start a Blog

Despite the millions of blogs in the blogosphere, it is still a fact that the percentage of small business bloggers in any industry other than technology is less than 10%, and probably much closer to 1%. Let’s take a look at some of the common challenges, some solutions for overcoming or working around them, and […]

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