How Facebook is Creating a Social Frankenstein

As the the firestorm of controversy surrounding the recent Facebook changes continues to smolder, we are gaining more insights into the future of social media – at least the one that Facebook envisions. If you haven't already, you may wish to read the post I made over the weekend that captures the essence of the […]

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Small Business Marketing Talk – #4

This week Small Business Marketing talk will examine one small business that works with companies to help them achieve sustainable revenue growth – in a word, sales!  A few days ago I interviewed David Cooke, better known as the The Sales Cooke.  He is the is the Founder and Chief Growth Officer of Strategic Resource […]

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Marketing Research and Behavior in Native Environments

When you observe the behavior of people in their environment, you can learn a great deal about how you can help them.   Human behavior has been and will always be the essence of marketing.  Your customers have challenges, aspirations, and unique ways of responding to situations.  If you can observe them in their native environment, […]

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Facebook LIKE is Like an Open Book

If you thought social media was making your life an open book, you had better fasten your seat belt because Facebook’s new features are guaranteed to take all of this ahead a full quantum leap. What I am talking about is the new Facebook LIKE button that you may be already seeing.  It seems very […]

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How to Say Thank You with Social Media

This has been an exceptional week for me and my family.  I have been hired to speak for several new clients, celebrated my son's college scholarship awards, and been moved by inspirational stories of loss and love. These occurrences are not linear events.  Relationships, events, and apparent chance encounters have made the difference. If you […]

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How to Brand Your Social Media Value

One of the early benefits of social media was being able to quickly learn what you would typically have had to wait for from traditional sources.  Now that we have real time search, you can get hints of new developments within seconds of when they occurred. In this respect, we are social media.  You and […]

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We Are Social Media – Delivering Happiness

Everything that you and I do or say eventually becomes part of the social media platform.   I recently posted a live video from a speaking engagement in which I related a personal experience to my audience about how the mention of my daughter's name on Facebook became indexed by Google after 2 and 1/2 […]

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Small Business Marketing Talk – #3

We're going to switch gears this week on Small Business Marketing Talk to discuss the social media efforts of a company that is not necessarily a small business – but whose core customer is.   I had pleasure of interviewing Roger Phelps, Promotional Communication Manager at STIHL Inc.  If you are a green industry professional, then […]

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Social Media Leadership

If you are not getting the results you had expected on the social Web, it may because you are following the crowd too much. This is a function of our human nature, yet it also works against our desire for productive and sustainable results that make a difference in the communities where we work and […]

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Small Business Content Marketing – Part 2 of 4

In my first post of this series on content marketing, I introduced the topic of content marketing and offered up a description of it as a process of creating and sharing useful and valuable information online for the purpose of converting prospects into customers.  Now we'll get into how that content is best delivered to […]

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