5 Tips to Keep Your Blog Fresh: A Series Inspired by 150 Posts

Variety in all of its forms will keep your blog fresh, and your audience engaged. Yesterday we covered speed as a method for getting your blog read.  I suggested taking a fast food mindset to accomplish that.  Before that I discussed how to create titles that build curiosity.  Freshness takes all of this, and your […]

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Getting Your Blog Read: 5 Tips from 150 Posts – A Series

Build each post for rapid consumption by developing a fast-food mindset.  Content is not king.  Speed is.  Readers want to know at a glance that they can quickly consume your message.  That makes the first visual impression critical.  Most readers expect to read a blog post within a minute, with 90 seconds being the maximum.   […]

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Stitching Together Your Social Media Gaps

Disconnectedness The challenge with social media is your communities can become disconnected.  Friends can seem to randomly come and go.  This leads to frustration and blaming everything from the technology to your lack of time for keeping it all together. To be productive in any endeavor, you have to have your "head in one place."  […]

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Pushing the Limits of Late-Night Decorum

Late Night Broadcasting The NBC late-night show shuffle may be giving us some signals of behavioral trends on the social Web.  Let's face it, the social networks are the late-night broadcasting medium of choice for most of us.  And if the comments by Jay Leno and Conan on their shows are any indication of what […]

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How To Manage Social Media Authenticity

Choose one of the two options. Run Small business owners learn to run very early in their careers.  They learn to chase down every lead, to outrun the latest regulations until they figure out if they actually apply, and to run like a dog to get slow-paying customers to pay up.   That's the nature of […]

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A Social Media Shift is Happening

It looks like we are seeing more leadership for paid content on the social Web. Some of the Players The Wall Street Journal set the the bar when they elected to charge readers for a complete read of some of their articles.  And I'll admit that after having to go to the library to get […]

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Haiti Reminds Us

we all live on one planet where all communities merge together. Awareness is a quality of social media that is working right now to engage people for a common purpose.  Normally, our awareness is localized to what is familiar to us, and that is typically what is local to us.  Yet, social media works nicely […]

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The Power of Location and Time Search

Space-Time Events Scientists will tell you that everything can be defined as a "space-time event." It's pretty remarkable really.  Everything can be unequivocally separated from its categorical look-alikes according to the real estate it occupies at a particular point in time – that's it, just two variables!  So, if you can just zoom in on […]

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There's an App for This

and you can get it for Free!  This is what the button will look like, only a heck of a lot smaller.  To get it, just search for Jeff Korhan at the app store. What's The Benefit Once your phone completes the initial download, you will always have the 25 most recent posts, regardless of […]

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Social Media Lessons from Jimi Hendrix

Rock's most iconic guitarist is about to be rediscovered when Valleys of Neptune is released on March 9th. As reported in USAToday, it will contain unreleased studio tracks, including a frenzied version of Fire, a sprawling cover of Cream's Sunshine of Your Love, and retooled originals such as Lover Man, Red House and Crying Blue […]

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