Blogs are indeed websites, but there are distinct and relevant differences and advantages to both. Most people think of a website as a digital storefront – a place for offering products and services, activities that you can also accomplish with a blog. Then what exactly is the difference between a blog and a website? A […]
Planning for Mobile with 20/20 Hindsight
Those of us who did not grow up with mobile technologies have an advantage. Before mobile we did something that is not now a common practice. We planned. Even as digital technologies emerged, we continued to plan to assuage the high costs of using the technology. So, notwithstanding the serendipitous benefits of mobile, we learned […]
Why Real Time Business Blogging is Cool
Blogging has been around for the better part of a decade from some – and more than half that for many of the rest of us. At the BlogWorld Expo last week we learned from a Technorati survey that the majority of bloggers are hobby bloggers. Only 13% classified themselves as entrepreneurs who blog to […]
You Are The Business
If you are the owner of a small business you know that you ARE the business. I’m not talking about wearing many hats, but the fact that your mere presence instills confidence in your customers. This is not only true for small businesses, but also for larger organizations such as Apple, Berkshire Hathaway, or Zappos – […]