It's In My Blog

Are you looking for ways to drive more traffic to your blog – or to your website via your blog? Then make your blog a place that is so robust and jam-packed with valuable content that your community will find it useful. This is why I am always proud to say with a smile … It’s in My Blog.

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Nobodies are the New Somebodies

If you expect to achieve your small business objectives with social media, you should consider that it is creating a transformative power shift. Power and influence are no longer concentrated in places where the majority cannot access it. It’s everywhere. This means nobodies are the new somebodies.

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Hyperlocal and Your Small Business

Location and real-time social search promise to be the two most relevant criteria for engaging with most small businesses. Consumers want to know what is happening now as it pertains to their current location, and hyperlocal search applications such as Fwix are bringing that content to their mobile devices.

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Ditto is Future-Based Networking

What do you want to do? Ditto is a geo-location app that will be change the check-in and recommendation game to make it more practical and useful for regular small business folks like you and me.

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How You Can Grow Your Business with QR Codes

Quick Response (QR) codes and other two-dimensional (2D) codes are expected to achieve widespread use this year – and for good reason. Consumers want immediate access to what’s relevant and QR codes are being used to make that possible.

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Pulse is Your Digital Magazine Reader

Pulse delivers news with a rich manner of presentation that has a magazine quality to it. The day will come when the majority of Web content will be consumed on mobile devices. One way to get familiar with what will work best for your small business is to study how services like Pulse deliver content – and how it is being done well.

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Using Social Networks to Build Sustainable Value

Give your social networks priority for business communications. Share as much as you can to build your value, to enhance the value of your message through sharing, and to contribute to the value of the overall network.

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7 Essential Qualities for Designing Your Business Around Social

To understand how to operate your small business in this social media influenced environment is to be especially aware of the humanizing aspects of this platform. Now is the time to take a closer look at your business model to engage with your customers in ways that they are becoming more accustomed to – and that are more relevant to your successful relationship with them.

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What is Your Blog Worth?

While your blog may not directly produce income, it can very likely help you to do so indirectly – by opening doors and helping you to make new connections that you could not have otherwise made without the visibility and reputation that your blog made possible.

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Why Now is The Time to Work In Your Business

If you are actively participating in the day-to-day operations of your business, then you are well positioned to take full advantage of a number of social media influenced trends that will keep you an your small business relevant to your customers.

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